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Planet Lockdown 采访



Planet Lockdown 采访系列是规模最大的国际高级别采访系列,涵盖 Covid-19 大流行措施、对此的科学辩论、政治分析和预测这一切的意义和走向、措施的影响孩子们,这让我们所有人都陷入了相互对抗的精神难题,这对宗教意味着什么,以及鼓起勇气对这一切说不需要什么。我们采访了前总理、德国议会议员、杰出的微生物学家、免疫学家、流行病学家、研究科学家、王子、大主教和主教、疫苗科学家、银行家、金融预测员、世卫组织举报人、辉瑞公司前副总裁、小企业主、国际律师、医生甚至是纳米病理学的发明者。在这个页面上,我们有整个完整的采访系列,总共超过 50 个!所有这些都是免费的,目的是让公众了解真正发生的事情。


在这次采访中,我们采访了彼得麦卡洛博士,他是一位美国心脏病专家,他直言不讳地批评了对 COVID-19“大流行”的可疑处理。他是美国最著名和最受认可的声音之一,并且信息丰富。他是贝勒大学医学中心内科副主任和德克萨斯 A&M 大学教授,也是该校最大的捐助者之一,因此获得了以他命名的奖学金。大学一说出来就无耻地攻击了他。他口齿清晰,平衡且理性。

在这次采访中,我们采访了美国心脏病专家彼得·麦卡洛博士,他直言不讳地批评了对 COVID-19“大流行”的可疑处理。他是美国最著名和最受认可的声音之一,并且信息丰富。他是贝勒大学医学中心内科副主任和德克萨斯 A&M 大学教授,也是该校最大的捐助者之一,因此获得了以他命名的奖学金。大学一说出来就无耻地攻击了他。他口齿清晰,平衡且理性。


  • PR 测试方法
  • 治疗性虚无主义
  • 接种疫苗者中的心肌炎
  • 大流行之前的早期治疗抑制
  • 医务人员因行使其许可权限而受到迫害
  • COVID-19 政策(包括疫苗授权)的颠倒非理性性质
  • 全球疫苗的有效性,不分青红皂白的大规模疫苗接种运动,与主要高危患者的疫苗接种形成对比

In this interview we spoke with Dr. Peter McCullough, an American cardiologist and outspoken critic of the questionable handling of the COVID-19 "pandemic." He is one of the most notable and credentialed voices speaking out in the United States and is a wealth of information. He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University, and one of the largest donors to the school, leading to a scholarship named after him. Upon speaking out the university shamelessly attacked him. He is articulate, balanced and a voice of reason.

In this interview he clarifies the following points:

  • PR testing methodology
  • Therapeutic Nihilism
  • Myocarditis amongst the vaccinated
  • Early treatment suppression prior to the pandemic
  • Persecution of medical personnel for exercising their licensed authority
  • The upside down irrational nature of COVID-19 policies including vaccine mandates
  • The efficacy of a global, indiscriminate mass vax campaign, in contrast to vaccination of mainly at-risk patients

Robert Malone 博士
是目前用于 Covid-19 疫苗接种的 mRNA 基因治疗技术的有争议的发明者,他直言不讳地批评监管捕获和行业对监管者的影响。

Robert Malone 博士是 mRNA 基因治疗技术的有争议的发明者,该技术现在被用于 Covid-19 疫苗接种。他直言不讳地批评监管捕获和行业对监管者的影响。他来自疫苗行业的核心,很友善地与我们坐下来讨论和回答我们对他的想法和对我们目前所经历的看法的各种问题。

Dr. Robert Malone is the controversial inventor of the mRNA gene therapy technology that is now being utilized in the Covid-19 vaccinations. He is an outspoken critic of regulatory capture and industry influence over regulators. He comes from the heart of the vaccine industry and was kind enough to sit down with us to discuss and answer a variety of questions we had about his thoughts and perspectives on what we are currently experiencing.


Martin Armstrong

Martin Armstrong 是一位自学成才的金融预测员,他创建了第一个功能性 AI 算法来模拟金融周期。他是世界著名的经济学家和经济信心模型的创造者,普林斯顿经济学的创始人,并为世界各地的投资基金、政府和中央银行提供建议。他以称金融和政治崩溃到今天而闻名,尤其是 1986 年的崩溃和黎巴嫩内战。这种才能使他动摇了众所周知的地缘政治苹果车,并卷入了长达十年的法律斗争,使他入狱十多年。我们推荐纪录片 The Forecaster 来了解整个故事,因为它又长又复杂。您可以在https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/about/1113-2/找到他的作品

Martin Armstrong is a self taught financial forecaster that created the first functional AI algorithm to model financial cycles. He is a world renowned economist and the creator of the Economic Confidence Model, founder of Princeton Economics and has advised investment funds, governments, and central banks around the world. He is known for calling financial and political collapses to the day, particularly the 1986 crash and the Lebanese civil war. This talent led him to rock the proverbial geopolitical apple cart and became embroiled in a decade long legal battle landing him in prison for more than ten years. We recommend the documentary The Forecaster to get the whole story, as it's long and complicated. You can find his work at https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/about/1113-2/

加州大学生物伦理学教授Aaron Kheriaty 博士因反对强制接种疫苗而被解雇。

Kheriaty 博士在乔治城大学获得医学博士学位,并在加州大学欧文分校完成了精神病学住院医师培训。多年来,他一直担任 UCI 医学院精神病学教授和 UCI Health 医学伦理项目主任,并担任伦理委员会主席。他还在加州州立医院部担任伦理委员会主席多年。

在 Covid 传奇的第一阶段,他是该大学的顾问,但后来随着疫苗成为维持就业的强制性要求,他提出了道德上的反对意见。作为医学生的医德教授,他以身作则,坚守岗位,被大学开除。

在这次采访中,他讨论了他过去两年的经历,现在发生的事情与 20 世纪悲剧的历史相似之处,以及他对我们从这里走向何方的看法。他是一个值得我们尊敬的人。

Dr. Kheriaty earned his MD degree from Georgetown University, and completed residency training in psychiatry at the University of California Irvine. For many years he was Professor of Psychiatry at UCI School of Medicine and Director of the Medical Ethics Program at UCI Health where he chaired the ethics committee. He also chaired the ethics committee at the California Department of State Hospitals for several years.

He was an advisor to the university during the first stages of the Covid saga but later as the vaccines became coercively required to maintain employment, he raised an ethical objection. As the professor of medical ethics to medical students, he set an example and stood his ground and was terminated from the university.

In this interview he discusses his experience through the last two years, the historical similarities of what is happening now to the tragedies of the 20th century and his perspective on where we go from here. He is an honorable man worthy of our respect.

Dr Claus Köhnlein

Claus Köhnlein 在德国基尔拥有一家私人医疗机构。此前,他是基尔大学肿瘤学系的内科专家。他是 HIV 治疗的直言不讳的批评者,以及政治化的病毒恐慌和《病毒狂热》一书的合著者。

Claus Köhnlein has a private medical practice in Kiel, Germany. Formerly he was a specialist in internal medicine in the Department of Oncology at the University of Kiel. He is an outspoken critic of HIV treatment, as well as politicized virus scares and co-author of the book Virus Mania.

Wolfgang Wodarg
博士 前公共卫生官员、前德国议会议员和欧洲委员会成员

在这次与沃尔夫冈·沃达格(Wolfgang Wodarg)的亲密座谈中,我们讨论了世卫组织腐败的广泛问题,我们应该如何理解“大流行”或缺乏“大流行”,以及我们必须如何阻止这种走向虚假医学反乌托邦的恶魔趋势遍及我们生活的方方面面。他是我们见过的最诚实、最体贴的人之一,拥有令人惊叹的履历,并且过着充满经验的丰富生活,这使他独特地有资格了解我们所处的这种复杂情况的深度和广度。
他的职业生涯始于内科医师,对专注于从生病的人身上赚钱感到不满,因此继续在他来自的德国北部担任公共卫生官员。在那里,他通过让他的秘书给工厂、学校和企业打电话,看看人们是否在家生病,进行调查以衡量每年的流感波数。在一场体面的流感浪潮中,10% 的人在家生病并不少见。从那里他成为了德国议会的成员。在那里发生了猪流感恐慌,当墨西哥宣布有 800 例病例为大流行时,他知道有些不对劲。他深入研究了这个问题,发现了世卫组织内部的谎言和腐败问题。他提出了一项名为“假大流行”的法案,并为消除当时的虚假恐慌做了很多工作,让这些机构的腐败官员感到震惊。他继续在欧洲顾问委员会工作,是一位真正最光荣和最诚实的声音之一,可以为我们当前的情况提供观点。我们很荣幸在今年早些时候获得了一次远程面试,而这次是亲自面试。聆听并向这位正直的人学习!
In this intimate sit down interview with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the "pandemic," or lack there of and how we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopia that will take over all aspects of our lives. He is one of the most honest and thoughtful people we have ever met and has an amazing resume and has lived a rich life full of experiences that uniquely qualifies him to understand the depth and breadth of this complex situation we find ourselves in.
He began his career as a doctor in internal medicine, was unhappy about the focus on making money off people who were sick so went on to be a public health official in northern Germany where he is from. There he made surveys to measure annual flu waves, by having his secretary calling factories, school and businesses to see if people were at home sick. It wasn't uncommon in a decent flu wave for 10% to be home sick. From there he became a member of the German Parliament. While there the Swine Flu scare occurred and he knew something wasn't right when 800 cases in Mexico was declared a pandemic. He dug into the issue and discovered a hornets nest of lies and corruption inside the WHO. He floored a bill called Fake Pandemic and did much to deflate that fake scare at the time, to the consternation of the corrupt functionaries of these institutions. He went on to work in the Counsel of Europe and is a truly one of the most honorable and honest voices to provide perspective on our current situation. We were honored to get one remote interview earlier in the year and this in person one. Listen and learn from this man of integrity!




Full Interviews

The Planet Lockdown Interview Series is the largest international, high-level interview series to cover the Covid-19 pandemic measures, scientific debate thereon, political analysis and forecasting of what this is all about and where it is headed, the effects of the measures on children, the spiritual conundrum this places us all in pitting us all against one another, what this means for religion and what it takes to have the courage to say no to all this. We interviewed former Prime Ministers, members of German parliament, preeminent microbiologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, research scientists, a prince, an archbishop and a bishop, vaccine scientists, bankers, financial forecasters, WHO whistle blowers, a former Pfizer VP, small business owners, international attorneys, doctors and even the inventor of nanopathology. On this page we have the entire full interview series, over 50 in total! All for free for the benefit of public awareness of what is really going on.

We provide links to them posted to 3 different platforms, direct download and torrented as well. If you find a non-functioning link, please drop us an email. If you download via torrent, please kindly help us by seeding.

All the interviews are free for all to reuse in any videos anyone wishes to produce and distribute. If you wish to have high resolution formats for use in other film productions, drop us an email to request this.

If anyone wishes to volunteer to translate any of the interviews into other languages, please reach out to us at planetlockdown@protonmail.ch. We need translations done in SRT format and have simple instructions to follow.

Check back often as new interviews are released regularly. Please share them to help wake people up.

Finally, please donate to the project to keep the interviews coming. Donations make this all possible. Thank you all.


Dr. Peter McCullough
In this interview we spoke with Dr. Peter McCullough, an American cardiologist and outspoken critic of the questionable handling of the COVID-19 “pandemic.” He is one of the most notable and credentialed voices speaking out in the United States and is a wealth of information. He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University, and one of the largest donors to the school, leading to a scholarship named after him. Upon speaking out the university shamelessly attacked him. He is articulate, balanced and a voice of reason.

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)



Dr. Robert Malone
Controversial inventor of the mRNA gene therapy technology that is now being utilized in the Covid-19 vaccinations, he is an outspoken critic of regulatory capture and industry influence over regulators.

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)




Martin Armstrong
Legendary investor and founder of Princeton Economics and has advised investment funds, governments, and central banks around the world.

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)

Interview Summary




Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
Professor of bioethics from University of California, fired for standing against forced vaccination.

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)





Dr Claus Köhnlein
Doctor of Internal Medicine in Kiel Germany

Author of Virus Mania

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)





Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
Doctor, former Public Health Officer, former German Parliament Member and Council of Europe Member

In Person Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)

Remote Interview 1 Inside (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent)

Remote Interview 2 Outside (mirror, download link, torrent)




Michael Yeadon
Former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer for 16 years. Founder of successful pharma start-up.

Full interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent).


New segment released on possible fertility concerns with the jab.

Fertility & the Jab (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link).

РУССКИЙ/Russian (mirror 1)




Gourmeltz Restaurant
The story of a restaurateur who fights back against mandates and wins!

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)

Matt Strickland Interview
Owner of Gourmeltz

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)



The Economists | Mises Institute
Mark Thornton

Full interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download)

Jeff Deist

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download)

Joseph Salerno

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download)



Mads Palsvig
Former Investment Banker, Danish Politician

Full interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)

Studio Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent)


Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

An outspoken and controversial Archbishop who challenges the pope, the covid saga and the orthodox understanding of the last 250 years of western history.

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download low res, download high resolution)


Dr. Franz Allerberger
Chief Epidemiologist of Austria

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)



Nathalie Calame
A brief interview with a naturopathic doctor in French Switzerland. She describes her experience treating Covid patients, treating the vaccinated and on the big picture.

Full interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download).



Dr. Maria Huber
A general practitioner from Graz Austria describes her experience in grappling with understanding the pandemic and what’s truly going on.

Full interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download).



Atilis Gym in New Jersey
Two NJ guys worked hard and saved their whole life to finally open their own business, a gym. They turned a failed gym into a success for 9 months until they were told to close down. They refused.

Full interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download).



Bishop Schneider
Bishop of the Catholic Church

15 Minute Interview: 15 Minute interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download)

45 Minute Interview: 45 Minute Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download)



Alessandro Fusillo
A Roman Lawyer who has helped Italian businesses stay open through the crisis.

Full interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download)



Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude
Geneticist and former research director of the French NIH, INSERM

Big Picture (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)

mRNA Vaccine Discussion (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link)


Antionietta Gatti

Inventor/Discoverer of nano-pathology and nano-toxicology

Explanation of Nano-Pathology and Nano-Toxicology (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link).

Analysis of Covid Test Swabs (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link).



Stefano Montanari
Pharmacist and author of many books on the vaccine industry

Full interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link).


Václav Klaus
Former Prime Minister of Czech Republic, and one of Europe’s greatest advocates for economic and political freedom.

Institute interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent).

Lunch interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent).


Knut Wittkowski
World Class Epidemiologist, last worked at Rockefeller University in NY as Head, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, Center for Clinical & Translational Science.

Central Park Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent).

Restaurant interview 1 (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent).

Sucharit Bhakdi MD
Most cited microbiologist in German academic history.

Full interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent).

May 2021 Interview

Full interview (mirror 1, download link, torrent).

Vaccine Appeal

Clip (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent).

Pam Popper
Founder, Wellness Forum Health. Provides Health Education for providers and consumers.

Full interview (mirror, download link, torrent).


Jay W. Richards
Assistant Research Professor in the School of Business and Economics at The Catholic University of America.

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent).

Walking interview (download link, torrent).


Scott Jensen MD
Family Doctor, Minnesota State Senator, Voted Best Minnesota Family Doctor in 2016. Came out on inappropriate practices related to deaths being labeled covid.

Full interview (mirror, download link, torrent)



German Protest Movement

Bodo Schiffman, Samuel Eckert
Markus Haintz
Civil Rights Attorney

Full interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent)



Claus Köhnlien MD
Specialist in internal medicine in the Dept. of Oncology, Univ. of Kiel. Private Physician.

Full interview (mirror, download link, torrent).



David E. Martin, PhD
Financial analyst and entrepreneur

Full interview (mirror, download link, torrent).



Carrie Madej, MD
Doctor and Activist

Full interview (mirror, download link, torrent).



Marco in the Mountains
Conscientious objector

Full Interview (mirror 1, download link, torrent)



11 year old girl from Portugal

Full Interview (mirror 1, mirror 2, download link, torrent)


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