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NFSC(New Federal State China) Promo (US version) If one party cannot represent all the people in America, one party certainly cannot represent all the people in China. Meet the Chinese who don't want to be represented by the Chinese Communist Party - the people of the new federal state of china.


新中国联邦推广片(中文版) 如果一个政党不能代表全部美国人,一个党当然也不能代表全部中国人。 有一群人拒绝被中国共产党所代表,他们就是新中国联邦人。


NFSC Promo (Canadian version) If one party cannot represent all the people in Canada, one party certainly cannot represent all the people in China. Meet the Chinese who don't want to be represented by the Chinese Communist Party - the people of the new federal state of china.



Edited by Joshua Fogleman
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