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AMERICAFEST|Turning Point USA--Exclusive intelligence from the NFSC 美利坚盛会 | 美国转折点 -来自NFSC的独家情报

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 12/18/2023【#AMFEST2023】Roy Guo: I am here so that our Chinese people’s stories do not become the Americans' stories! Here are three pieces of exclusive intelligence from the NFSC:

1.The CCP has built 11 P3 biolabs in the Middle East, Africa, and South America, where new viruses can be released at Xi's command;

2.The CCP has deployed 3,500 DF-10A series ballistic missiles in the Middle East and manufactured no fewer than 20 ICBMs;

3. The CCP has established an army of 20,000 mercenaries, ready to join Hamas.







 12/19/2023, AmFest, Aila  Wang: 新中国联邦肩负着推翻中国共产党的使命。我们是中共政府的幸存者,我们是中共病毒的幸存者。对于从共产主义政权逃离的幸存者来说,他们是在寻找自由。我很担心,我所逃离的共产主义也蔓延到了我所站在的这块自由之地。
12/19/2023, AmFest, Aila Wang: The New Federal State of China is on a mission to take down the CCP. We are survivors of the CCP government and we are survivors of the CCP virus. For the survivors who fled from the communist regime, they were looking for freedom. I am worried that the communism I escaped from has also spread to this land of freedom where I stand.



新中国联邦优秀的年轻一代Aila的精彩演讲再次震撼全场! 她告诉美国: 如果不与中共脱钩,你就是在用你的人民、你的技术和你的投资授权独裁政权对你发动核战争; 你们的科学家就是在帮助中共制造和发动下一场生物战争; 就是把美国的土地拱手交给中国共产党独裁政权!

Aila, another courageous young NFSC member, warned America at #AmFest23 that if the U.S. doesn't decouple from CCP, you are empowering the dictatorship, along with your scientists, your technology, and your investments, to wage nuclear and biological warfare against yourselves.



 Turning Point USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 2012 by Charlie Kirk. The organization’s mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government. Turning Point USA believes that every young person can be enlightened to true free market values.

Since its founding, Turning Point USA has embarked on a mission to build the most organized, active, and powerful conservative grassroots activist network on high school and college campuses across the country. With a presence on over 3,500 campuses, Turning Point USA is the largest and fastest-growing youth organization in America.


  • The United States of America is the greatest country in the history of the world.
  • The US Constitution is the most exceptional political document ever written.
  • Capitalism is the most moral and proven economic system ever discovered.


The National Field Program is dedicated to supporting students on campuses daily through setting up tables, engaging in face-to-face conversations, distributing educational literature, registering new student activists, and hosting campus events. TPUSA currently employs over 350 full- and part-time staff dedicated to recruiting new activists, registering voters, and becoming major leaders of the movement in their community.

TPUSA has established over 2900 chapters covering all 50 states, and has built a substantial network of the next generation of supporters, activists and leaders. Each semester, Charlie Kirk embarks on a nation-wide campus tour to challenge the status quo and encourage free thinking -- something too often neglected on college campuses today.



With phrases like “Big Government Sucks”, “Gen Z is Gen Free”, and the incorporation of pop-culture into day-to-day activities, TPUSA reaches new demographics and continuously expands its base. We combine culture with politics to engage young people in meaningful, effective ways. In order to spread Turning Point USA’s message to as many audiences as possible and dominate the digital world, TPUSA’s Shows and Media Departments makes it possible to continue to develop digital impact and recruit new activists through the online medium.


TPUSA Shows educates, enlightens, and entertains by creating unique and relevant daily and weekly content that spreads across the internet. This department currently maintains several ongoing projects such as POPlitics, Only In America, Real America with Graham Allen, Benny on the block, and Freedom Fights with many new projects in store. TPUSA Shows helps change the narrative in a space only the left has dominated for too long.


Turning Point USA’s Media Department identifies current and potential thought leaders and personalities that advance TPUSA’s mission of spreading the values of free markets and limited government in the fight to win the American culture war. This department equips social media influencers with every available resource necessary to spread these ideas on college campuses and throughout social and mainstream media.



Turning Point USA has earned the reputation of being the premier brand in events for young conservative activists across the country. Turning Point USA hosts 6 National Summits and 8 Regional Conferences each year, which consistently attract students from every state in the country. Each conference features the top thought leaders in the conservative movement as well as provides resourceful break-out training and networking sessions for attendees. Past speakers include: President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Jared Kushner, Ambassador Nikki Haley, Donald Trump Jr, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Secretary Betsey DeVos, and many more.

We believe it is equally important to expose young people to tremendously intellectual and inspiring speakers – as well as provide students with the tools they need to effectively battle the left. Additionally, a strong sense of community is established at TPUSA regional and national events, providing a place for young people to realize that they are not alone in their conservative values, but rather, they have an army of like-minded peers across the nation. You can learn more about our events, and apply to attend, here.





Turning Point USA 是一家成立于2012年的501(c)3非营利组织,由查理·柯克创立。该组织的使命是识别、教育、培训和组织学生,推动自由、自由市场和有限政府的原则。Turning Point USA 相信每个年轻人都可以被启发,接受真正的自由市场价值观。

自成立以来,Turning Point USA 走上了建立全美高中和大学校园最有组织、最活跃、最强大的保守派基层活动网络的使命。在超过3,500个校园存在,Turning Point USA 是美国最大、增长最快的青年组织。


  • 美利坚合众国是世界历史上最伟大的国家。
  • 美国宪法是有史以来写成的最卓越的政治文件。
  • 资本主义是有史以来发现的最道德、最经得起考验的经济体制。





为了将Turning Point USA的信息传播到尽可能多的受众,并在数字世界占据主导地位,TPUSA的节目和媒体部门通过在线媒介继续发展数字影响力并招募新的活动人士。

TPUSA Shows通过创造独特而相关的每日和每周内容,以在互联网上传播,既教育又娱乐。该部门目前维护着几个正在进行的项目,如POPlitics、Only In America、Real America with Graham Allen、Benny on the block和Freedom Fights,还有许多新项目正在筹备中。TPUSA Shows有助于改变长期以来左翼一直主导的领域的叙事。

Turning Point USA的媒体部门确定当前和潜在的思想领袖和个性,推动TPUSA在赢得美国文化战争中传播自由市场和有限政府价值观的使命。该部门为社交媒体影响者提供一切必要的资源,以在大学校园和社交媒体以及主流媒体上传播这些思想。


Turning Point USA 在全国范围内赢得了作为年轻保守派活动人士活动首选品牌的声誉。Turning Point USA每年主办6次全国峰会和8次地区会议,这些活动始终吸引来自全国各州的学生。每次会议都邀请保守运动中的顶级思想领袖,并为参与者提供富有资源的分组培训和交流会议。曾经的演讲嘉宾包括:唐纳德·特朗普总统、迈克·彭斯副总统、贾里德·库什纳、尼基·黑莉大使、唐纳德·特朗普·小唐、金伯利·吉尔福伊尔、本·夏皮罗、塔克·卡尔森、贝琪·德沃斯秘书等等。




美国非营利组织“美国转折点”(Turning Point USA)2023最新活动官网: https://www.amfest.com/


TPUSA Faith is dedicated to empowering Christians to put their faith into action. We engage, equip, and empower millions of grateful Americans who are prepared to defend our God-given rights, by giving them the tools to expose lies and articulate the connection between Faith and Freedom.  https://tpusafaith.com/

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【#AMFEST2023】12/18/2023 Mr. David Xia, General Secretary of the New Federal State of China and Chairman of the Rule of Law Society, introduces the NFSC and its mission to American patriots. The mission of the NFSC is to take down the Chinese Communist Party and bring one person, one vote, and freedom to the 1.4 billion Chinese people. Everything the NFSC has done and endured proves that we are the ones truly committed to taking down the CCP and are capable of doing so. We hope to let more people around the world know that the CCP has come to your doorstep.

12/18/2023 新中国联邦秘书长、法治社会主席长岛哥向美国爱国者们介绍新中国联邦及其灭共的事业。新中国联邦的使命就是灭共, 并给14亿中国人带来一人一票的选举权和自由。我们新中国联邦今天所遭遇的一切都证明了我们是真正灭共、且最有能力去灭共的。我们希望让世界上更多的人知道,共产党已经来到了你们的家门口。


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12/18/2023【AMFEST2023】Aila Wang: If you become the governor of Utah, will you expel the CCP from the state? Phil Lyman, Utah Legislator: Yes, absolutely! If you look deeper, you'll see that no matter what the deal is, the money ends up back in the hands of those who want to rule the world, i.e., the CCP. 

12/18/2023【凤凰城烽火行动】小飞象:莱曼先生,如果你成为犹他州州长,会把中共赶出该州吗? 犹他州议员菲尔·莱曼:没错!如果深入研究,你会发现无论是什么交易,钱最终都会回到那些想要统治世界的人,也就是中共的手里!



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12/18/2023【#AMFEST2023】Ron Shoup, musician: I have heard the song "Take Down the CCP" by Mr. Miles Guo. Music is the universal language of the world, and music binds us together. Never, never, never give up!




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12/18/2023【AMFEST2023】Pamela Johnson: We are getting to know the New Federal State of China, and I believe the Chinese people deserve to be free! Keep fighting. Don't let the CCP silence you. We are with you in spirit!




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12/17/2023【AMFEST2023】Adam Riojas, host of the “Freedom with Adam Riojas” podcast: Due to their love of money, Americans have allowed the CCP to infiltrate the U.S. When Xi Jinping lets Chinese people address him as father, he is saying that he is deity, he is God, and he can tell you what to do. Fauci covered up the truth that the virus was released out of Wuhan.  




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12/17/2023【AMFEST2023】Thomas Murphy, US Senatorial Candidate (SC), Army Veteran: Americans need to address the issue that our country is being invaded by the CCP! Chinese people are being oppressed by the Chinese Communist Party, and the mission the NFSC is undertaking, i.e., bringing awareness to Chinese people, is a blessing. 




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12/16/2023【AMFEST2023】Andrew Thompson, CEO of Landmark advisors: The NFSC’s goal to take down the CCP is brave, bold, and inspirational! I'm 100% with you and will do anything I can to help out. The influence of the CCP in the U.S. has become very insidious, and awareness of it is very low throughout the U.S. This is dangerous. However, it’s so wonderful to see Chinese people like NFSC members working hard on stopping the CCP. 




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Hamas' method of attacking Israel with paratroopers is a tactic used by North Korea to invade South Korea, which bypasses radar systems. Xi Jinping met with the head of the Palestinian Authority just before the incident. The PLO, a front organization with ties to both the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party, was founded in 1968 with the support and help of Mao Zedong in its construction.



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国会议员参选人 David Serpa 指出,许多美国人并没意识到所面临的危险有多大,又有多少权力被拱手交给了中共,这些年来美国人的安逸和自满失去了反抗精神 

Candidate David Serpa points out that many Americans don't realize how much is at stake and how much power has been handed over to the Chinese Communist Party and that over the years, Americans have lost the spirit of resistance in their comfort and complacency.



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The Chinese Communist Party(CCP) has been trying to buy farmland in Texas, donating large sums of money to Texas colleges and universities, and possibly interfering in local political elections, and the New Federal State of China's information will help Americans determine and verify whether these people are legitimate land buyers or are being appointed by the CCP. 

中共一直试图在德州购买农田,还向德州高校捐赠大量资金, 可能也干预了地方政治选举,新中国联邦的信息将帮助美国人去判断并核实,这些人是否为买地的合法人士还是被中共委派的



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