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【爆料】近平已在内部下令解放军做好随时和台湾作战的准备|Xi Jinping issued internal orders for the PLA to be ready to strike Taiwan at any time

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12/31/2023 【Miles Insight】Changdao Brother: Xitler has sent his representatives to Taiwan, aiming to forge an alliance between Ko Wen-je and Hou Yu-ih to defeat Lai Ching-te. The NFSC's fellow fighters within the CCP system have revealed that Xi Jinping issued internal orders for the PLA to be ready to strike Taiwan at any time. 

12/31/2023 【Nicole看七哥】长岛哥:习特勒已派代表去台湾让柯文哲和侯友宜联手以干掉赖清德。新中国联邦中共体制内战友爆料近平已在内部下令解放军做好随时和台湾作战的准备。



12/31/2023 Changdao Brother, Secretary-General of the Himalaya Global Alliance, brings a bombshell revelation from fellow fighters within the CCP system! Xi Jinping has dispatched his representatives to Taiwan, attempting to forge an alliance between Ko Wen-je and Hou Yu-ih for joint efforts. Their goal is to defeat Lai Ching-te and the Democratic Progressive Party in the last ten more days before the 2024 Taiwanese Presidential Election, enabling the CCP-controlled pawns to take over the office.

12/31/2023 喜马拉雅联盟秘书长长岛哥带来了来自中共体制内战友的重大爆料!习近平已派其代表到台湾,妄图在台湾大选前最后十几天里让柯文哲和侯友宜联合作战,进而在选举中击败赖清德和民进党,最终让中共控制的这一帮人上台。



20210818文贵先生直播视频回顾 如果开战 #打台湾共军会从哪开始?





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新中国联邦 在中共体制内的战友再爆料: 习近平已经给军队下命令:随时准备对台作战。 接下来两个礼拜,中共可能在福建沿海和台湾东北部有动作。中共在新疆、贵州演练上万个气球,可侦察、携带武器和延时炸弹。 请台湾和西方做好准备,关键是防范。 2023-12.31



新中国联邦 再爆料: 中共亲自上阵了! 北朝鲜宣称在12月18日发射洲际导弹,其实,导弹是中共的潜水艇发射的。 中共直接把核武器原料给伊朗和北韩, 而不是帮助他们恢复提炼铀的能力, 西方老百姓怕死,中共不在乎老百姓死活,所以,西方应该斩首习特勒,避免战争。 2023-12.31




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