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【2017-2023直播爆料视频数据库】关键词搜索、AI搜索 |【2017-2023 Livestream Leak Video Database】Keyword Search, AI Search 🔍 Gettrsearch.com

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“夫以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以古为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。” 《唐·贞观政要》

"In using copper as a mirror, one can correct one's attire; in using antiquity as a mirror, one can understand the rise and fall of events; in using people as a mirror, one can perceive gains and losses." - "Zhenguan Zhengyao" from the Tang Dynasty.

- 更新郭先生2017 - 2023全部视频,站内直接播放

- 按年份,视频类型分类

- NFSC GPT 聊天AI机器人(Beta)


- Update all Mr. Guo's videos from 2017 to 2023, available for direct playback on the site.
- Categorize videos by year and type.
- NFSC GPT Chat AI Bot (Beta)

This website assists users in quickly searching, retrieving, and playing high-definition videos of Mr. Guo, enhancing information acquisition efficiency. We welcome everyone to try it out and provide feedback!


注:当前仅支持中文关键词检索 | Note: Currently, only Chinese keyword search is supported.


The chatbot on gettrsearch.com has undergone significant improvements and has finally reached a score of 60. Experience it now with the reopened trial.





- 增加视频按月和日筛选搜索

- 优化聊天机器人NFSC-GPT智能度

Updates to the Guo Wengui video search engine website, GettrSearch.com:

- Added filtering and search options by month and day for videos.
- Enhanced intelligence of the NFSC-GPT chatbot.





20220103-GETTR logo refresh-red.pngGETTR( Gettr.com是一个备受关注的社交媒体平台,市值在2021年估计达到了49-210亿美元,拥有3500万用户,其中90%为活跃用户。相比于Twitter和Facebook,GETTR的活跃度更高,每个用户的价值在140-600美元之间。在社交媒体排名上,GETTR表现出色,其应用在苹果和安卓平台上排名靠前。2022年1月1日至1月2日之间,GETTR在西班牙的注册用户数量激增了571%,总新增用户数为171,629人,包括一些知名人士如政治评论家Jordan Peterson教授和著名主播Joe Rogan。GETTR未来展望广阔,除了具备传统社交媒体平台功能外,还将推出GETTR-PAY和躺平币等独特功能。平台致力于传播真相,重视言论自由,吸引了越来越多的用户。通过GETTR,用户不仅可以分享信息,还能赚取收入,这种模式将打破传统媒体的垄断局面。GETTR具有快速增长的势头,吸引了大量用户的加入,其独特功能和对言论自由的重视使其在社交媒体领域具有独特的竞争优势。

GETTR (Gettr.com) is a highly anticipated social media platform, with an estimated market value ranging from 4.9 to 21 billion USD in 2021. It boasts 35 million users, with 90% being active users. Compared to Twitter and Facebook, GETTR exhibits higher levels of engagement, with each user valued between 140 and 600 USD. In terms of social media rankings, GETTR performs exceptionally well, with its application ranking highly on both Apple and Android platforms. Between January 1st and January 2nd, 2022, GETTR experienced a remarkable 571% surge in registered users in Spain, adding a total of 171,629 new users, including notable figures such as political commentator Professor Jordan Peterson and renowned broadcaster Joe Rogan.

GETTR has promising prospects for the future. In addition to offering traditional social media platform features, it plans to introduce unique functionalities like GETTR-PAY and Lay-Flat Coin. The platform is committed to spreading truth and prioritizes freedom of speech, which has attracted an increasing number of users. Through GETTR, users can not only share information but also earn income, breaking the monopoly of traditional media. With its rapid growth trajectory and emphasis on freedom of speech, GETTR has gained a competitive edge in the social media landscape. Its unique features and commitment to freedom of expression have drawn in a significant number of users, establishing GETTR as a prominent player in the social media field.


Gwins 爆料革命资料馆|Gwins Whistleblower Revolution Data Archive  https://gwins.org/

郭文贵先生爆料视频汇总下载(2024.03.09 更新)|Compilation of Mr. Guo Wengui's whistleblower videos (Updated as of March 9, 2024)  https://gnews.org/m/2176262

新中国联邦官方网站  https://nfscofficial.com/

Gnews  https://gnews.org/

Gfashion https://gfashion.com/

Gclubs https://www.gclubs.com/

法治基金 Rule of Law Foundation https://rolfoundation.org/

HimalayaExchange https://himalaya.exchange/

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  • Roger changed the title to 【2017-2023直播爆料视频数据库】关键词搜索、AI搜索 |【2017-2023 Livestream Leak Video Database】Keyword Search, AI Search 🔍 Gettrsearch.com
  • Roger changed the title to 【2017-2023直播爆料视频数据库】关键词搜索、AI搜索 🔍 Gettrsearch.com

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