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Who is Miles Guo | 郭文贵是谁?

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郭文贵 Miles Kwok

2017年郭文贵先生以一人抗衡一国之力,撼动了中共邪恶帝国的根基。通过向全世界揭露中共的本质及其危害,使中共遭受到了极其严峻的挑战。出于对郭文贵先生爆料的恐惧,2017年5月中共先后派出公安部纪委书记刘彦平和公安部副部长孙力军至美国运作,意图遣返郭文贵先生。同时孟建柱在马来西亚的私生子刘特佐花费重金买通了赌场大亨斯蒂芬·韦恩(Steve Wynn)和时任共和党筹款委员会副主席艾利奥特·布罗伊迪(Elliott Broidy),并指使二人游说美国总统川普和美国政府,以达到引渡郭文贵先生的目的。 2020年,美国司法部宣布艾利奥特·布罗迪违反了外国人代理登记法,其本人对此指控表示服罪。

Mr. Guo Wengui is the founder of the Whistleblower's Revolution, the Rule of Law Foundation, and the Rule of Law Society. He is also the founder of the New Federal State of China and the G-series. He is recognized as the leading figure in the global anti-CCP movement.

Mr. Guo was born into an ordinary peasant family in Shexian County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, during the Cultural Revolution. As an adult, he faced ruthless political persecution for opposing the Chinese Communist Party's authoritarian regime during the democracy movement, which fueled his ideals of anti-communism and the eradication of the CCP. Over time, he accumulated strength and, driven by the mission of eliminating the CCP, initiated the Whistleblower's Revolution in 2017. He co-founded the Rule of Law Foundation and the Rule of Law Society with Western anti-communists and established the New Federal State of China.

During the student democracy movement in 1989, Mr. Guo was arrested by the CCP authorities for supporting the movement financially and was subsequently detained at the Qingfeng Detention Center in Henan Province. June 4, 1989, marked a dark moment in Chinese history when the CCP opened fire on unarmed students and ruthlessly suppressed the movement. On the same day, Mr. Guo's youngest brother was also shot dead by the police.

During his 22 months of detention at Qingfeng Detention Center, Mr. Guo endured brutal torture by the authorities and witnessed the ruthless killing of warriors who fought for democracy in China. Most of these warriors were executed without due legal process, accusations, or defense. His harrowing experience in prison led Mr. Guo to fully recognize the evil nature of the CCP, prompting him to vow to eradicate the Chinese Communist Party.

In 1991, Mr. Guo was released, and at the age of 21, he founded the Henan Dalao Ban Furniture Factory. Two years later, he partnered with Ms. Xia Ping, Chairwoman of Hong Kong Ailian Co., Ltd., to establish a joint venture, Yuda Real Estate. In 1998, they completed the construction of the "Yuda International Trade" five-star hotel, praised as the "Central Plains Buddha's Hand," which became the first five-star hotel in China. In retaliation for Mr. Guo's initiation of the Whistleblower's Revolution, the CCP authorities auctioned off Yuda's properties totaling 135,000 square meters for a starting price of 1.28 billion yuan in 2021.

In the early 2000s, Mr. Guo moved to Beijing for further development. In 2002, he founded Beijing Zhengquan Real Estate Co., Ltd., later renamed Beijing Zhengquan Holdings Co., Ltd. In 2019, the Intermediate People's Court of Dalian, Liaoning Province, sentenced Beijing Zhengquan Holdings Co., Ltd. to a fine of 60 billion yuan for the crime of coercion.

In 2007, Mr. Guo built the Pan Gu Grand View, a dragon-shaped building comprising 5A intelligent office buildings, high-end hotels, luxury apartments, and a boutique commercial district, adjacent to the Beijing Olympic Park. The construction of Pan Gu Grand View was tumultuous. In late 2003 and early 2004, then-Deputy Mayor of Beijing, Liu Zhihua, unreasonably reclaimed the construction land of Pan Gu Grand View. After three years of rights protection and accusations, Mr. Guo finally regained the construction land and sent Liu Zhihua to prison, thereby offending Wang Qishan and some CCP dignitaries.

After reclaiming the construction site of Pan Gu Grand View, Mr. Guo completed the construction of the Seven Star Pan Gu Grand View in just over 380 days in September 2007. The building became the news center for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the main hotel for hosting world leaders and athletes. Similarly, as retaliation, in 2019, the Beijing Third Intermediate People's Court auctioned the dragon head of Pan Gu Grand View for 5.182 billion yuan due to debt.

In 2012, Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan came to power and took control of state power, initiating a purge within the party under the guise of anti-corruption after the CCP's 18th National Congress. Wang Qishan, then Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, abused his power to arrest Ma Jian and Meng Huiqing, who had investigated Liu Zhihua's bribery case, and implicated Mr. Guo in the process. In 2015, Mr. Guo was forced to flee to the United Kingdom, while his family and dozens of employees were arrested, including his wife and daughter.

On January 23, 2017, Mr. Guo revealed corruption by then-Beijing Public Security Bureau Chief Fu Zhenhua and threats against him in an interview with Mingjing. This marked the beginning of the Whistleblower's Revolution, with the goal of "saving lives, protecting wealth, and seeking revenge." Mr. Guo also introduced the "Seven Principles of Guo," advocating for extending the battlefield of anti-CCP efforts overseas and thoroughly eliminating the CCP through the strategic approach of "using the United States to eliminate the CCP, using the law to eliminate the CCP, and using the CCP to eliminate the CCP."

Subsequently, Mr. Guo accepted interviews with Mingjing on March 8, June 16, July 17, and September 19 of 2017, presenting substantial evidence exposing Wang Qishan's corruption, his family, mistresses, illegitimate children, and the corrupt practices of his subordinates Wang Jian and Chen Feng in HNA Group and Bohai Gold Control, and how they looted national wealth and transferred it overseas. It was revealed that Wang Qishan and others had acquired massive real estate and financial assets overseas, with total assets amounting to a staggering $20 trillion. Ironically, despite claiming to "strike the iron while it's hot," Wang Qishan and his family not only own trillions of assets overseas but also hold passports from multiple countries.

On April 19, 2017, Mr. Guo accepted a live interview with VOA, but the interview was abruptly terminated by VOA when he was about to expose Wang Qishan's corruption. This incident, known as the VOA Shutdown, shocked the world. As a result of Mr. Guo's revelations about high-level CCP corruption, Mingjing's exposure attracted global attention. Shortly before Mr. Guo was scheduled to be interviewed by VOA, less than 24 hours earlier, Interpol, chaired by former Deputy Minister of Public Security Meng Hongwei, issued a red notice against Mr. Guo. It was after the VOA shutdown incident that Mr. Guo officially launched the Whistleblower's Revolution.

In September and October of 2017, Mr. Guo successively exposed the death of Yuan Baojing and the seizure of his property by Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission Meng Jianzhu, Deputy Minister of Public Security Sun Lijun, and others. He also revealed the truth behind Lei Yang's tragic death after discovering the secret relationship between Yang Lan, Wang Fang, and Meng Jianzhu. Mr. Guo provided evidence showing how Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhu, and Sun Lijun laundered money through

 overseas trusts to transfer money to their mistresses and illegitimate children. He also exposed how they murdered innocents for organ trafficking to save their lives, revealing the true face of the CCP's rule by falsehood, police, and darkness.

On October 2, 2017, Mr. Guo had planned to speak at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., but his speech was canceled due to CCP's influence. On October 4, he held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., where he warned of the CCP's blue, gold, and yellow strategy, alerting the United States and the world to the impending darkness brought by the CCP and advising them to be fully prepared.

In 2017, Mr. Guo single-handedly challenged the power of the CCP, shaking the foundation of its evil empire. By exposing the true nature and dangers of the CCP to the world, the CCP faced severe challenges. Out of fear of Mr. Guo's revelations, in May 2017, the CCP dispatched Liu Yanping, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Ministry of Public Security, and Sun Lijun, Deputy Minister of Public Security, to the United States to attempt to repatriate Mr. Guo. Meanwhile, Meng Jianzhu's illegitimate son, Liu Tezuo, in Malaysia, bribed casino tycoon Stephen Wynn and Elliott Broidy, then Vice Chairman of the Republican National Committee, to lobby President Trump and the U.S. government to extradite Mr. Guo. In 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that Elliott Broidy had violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, and he pleaded guilty to the charges.

To prevent Mr. Guo from speaking out and expressing himself on social media, Facebook and Twitter successively suspended his accounts, and YouTube disabled his live streaming function. Consequently, in January 2018, Mr. Guo established his own media platform—Guo Media.

2018 was an extraordinary year for the Whistleblower's Revolution. On July 3, co-founder and chairman of the board of directors of HNA Group Co., Ltd., Wang Jian, died under mysterious circumstances in Provence, France. Subsequently, Mr. Guo spent considerable resources dispatching several teams to France to investigate Wang Jian's death, eventually obtaining substantial evidence and intelligence about his murder, confirming it as a deliberate homicide.

On November 20, 2018, Mr. Guo and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon co-hosted a press conference, where they presented some videos and documents, pointing out many suspicious aspects surrounding Wang Jian's supposed accidental death. They called for a judicial investigation by France and the United States. During this press conference, Mr. Guo announced the establishment of the Rule of Law Foundation, aimed at assisting dissidents, officials, and their families persecuted by the CCP, and donated $100 million.

The death of Wang Jian and Mr. Guo's previous revelations about HNA led to the gradual collapse of HNA Group. On January 29, 2021, HNA Group applied for bankruptcy reorganization to the court, citing an inability to repay maturing debts, as a result of CCP's behind-the-scenes manipulation.

In June 2019, Hong Kong witnessed mass protests against the proposed extradition bill. Throughout the movement, Mr. Guo continuously issued warnings to Hong Kong and the world based on intelligence, revealing the CCP's plan to dispatch a large number of military personnel disguised as Hong Kong police to suppress and arrest protesters. He warned that the CCP had already controlled Hong Kong's political, business, judicial, and police systems through its blue, gold, and yellow strategy, turning them into puppets. Mr. Guo also mentioned the existence of CCP's secret law enforcement black rooms in Hong Kong, indicating that the CCP could arrest anyone in Hong Kong at any time. He especially warned that the CCP might use biological or chemical weapons in Hong Kong to quell the protests. These warnings were subsequently validated.

During the Hong Kong protests, Mr. Guo not only provided substantial material and financial support but also rescued numerous Hong Kong residents to safety overseas after the CCP imposed martial law.

In 2020, Taiwan held its presidential election. In 2019, Mr. Guo had already exposed the CCP's plans to use the election to control Taiwan, attempting to employ the "three-gun" strategy, where CCP-controlled individuals Guo Taiping, Han Kuo-yu, and Ko Wen-je would participate in the presidential election. As long as any of the three were elected, the CCP could achieve its goal of completely controlling Taiwan. However, the profound impact of the Hong Kong protests on Taiwanese society, coupled with Mr. Guo's early revelations and exposés of the CCP's conspiracy against Taiwan, made various sectors in Taiwan deeply aware of the CCP's threat to democratic elections in Taiwan. Ultimately, through their votes, Taiwanese thwarted the CCP's plan to seize Taiwan.

In December 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in Wuhan. In fact, as early as June and November of the same year, Mr. Guo had exposed the CCP's possible use of biological weapons in Hong Kong and reiterated the possibility of the CCP launching a biochemical war. When the Wuhan virus outbreak occurred and cases appeared in the United States, Mr. Guo immediately revealed that the novel coronavirus did not originate naturally but from the Wuhan P4 virus research institute controlled by the CCP. He defined the outbreak as a terrorist attack similar to 9/11 launched by the CCP against the United States and the world. In February 2021, during a live broadcast titled "Guo Looks at the Spring Festival Gala," Mr. Guo proposed the strategy of "using poison to eliminate the CCP."

On June 4, 2020, another historic day, Mr. Guo, under the witness of the Statue of Liberty, announced the establishment of the New Federal State of China. Mr. Hao Haidong and Mr. Steve Bannon respectively read the Chinese and English versions of the "Declaration of the New Federal State of China."

In order to have an independent, free, secure, and outspoken media, Mr. Guo instructed the establishment of GNEWS, which was officially launched in December 2019. With this, the Whistleblower's Revolution had its first news release media platform.

In March 2020, GTV, founded by Mr. Guo, started operation. This was another important media platform for the Whistleblower's Revolution. Mr. Guo also proposed the creation of the G-series, an ecosystem that integrates GTV, GNEWS, Gettr, Gclubs, Gfashion, GDollar, etc., aiming to develop into a trillion-dollar new world in the future.

In September 2020, Gclubs was officially launched, and in December, Gfashion was officially launched.

In February 2021, Mr. Guo proposed the "use money to eliminate the CCP" strategy. In April, the Hcoin issuance company was officially opened for registration, and Hcoin was planned to be listed for public trading in September.

In just over

 four years, the Whistleblower's Revolution has steadily advanced the process of eliminating the CCP. In the process, Mr. Guo has established a financial ecosystem with a future value of trillions. The future New Federal State of China will serve as a force for a new world with grand visions and capabilities.

Everything has already begun!



更多爆料直播数据库信息(2017-2023),关键词搜索   https://gettrsearch.com/  

More Whistleblower Live Broadcast Database Information (2017-2023), Keyword Search 

 https://gettrsearch.com/   (Currently only supports Chinese search )

In addition to the comprehensive timeline provided, there is a vast repository of live broadcasts and information spanning from 2017 to 2023 within the Whistleblower's Revolution movement. These broadcasts contain crucial insights, revelations, and updates on various topics and events related to the movement's mission. Users can utilize keyword searches to navigate through this extensive database and uncover specific content of interest.

These broadcasts cover a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to:

  1. Exposés on CCP corruption and misconduct
  2. Insights into the global impact of the CCP's influence
  3. Revelations about specific individuals involved in CCP activities
  4. Updates on the progress of the Whistleblower's Revolution
  5. Analyses of geopolitical developments and their implications
  6. Discussions on strategies for combating CCP influence and oppression
  7. Reports on human rights abuses and injustices perpetrated by the CCP
  8. Discussions on the future vision and goals of the New Federal State of China
  9. Insights into financial and economic aspects of the movement
  10. Updates on legal proceedings and efforts to hold CCP accountable

By conducting keyword searches, users can efficiently locate relevant information within the Whistleblower's Revolution database, facilitating research, analysis, and awareness-building efforts related to the movement's objectives and impact.

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