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新中国联邦4月27日爆出18个独家情报|Breaking: New exclusive information released by the NFSC on April 27th

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  1. 中共加快一体化应急应战管理体系建设。 征求意见稿已下发,通过后全国实施, 包括企事业单位、国企、大型私企,都要设立武装部。发生对外战争或内部动乱时,一是对付老百姓,二是对付外面。
  2. 中共想借美方希望中共调解中东之乱作筹码,换取美日菲在南海问题上让步。
  3. 中阿部长级峰会很快会在北京召开。 中共不希望中东和平,希望扩展自己的中东影响力。
  4. 习近平5月初将出访法国、塞尔维亚、匈牙利,中共内部正在设计扩大习访欧的成果和影响力。习将与法国总统马克龙共同发表有关俄乌战争联合声明。
  5. 伊朗的挫败整个动摇了中共提出的“向东看”,也影响/降低了中东对中共的依赖和倚仗。
  6. 欧盟将对中共十几家中资港资企业进行制裁,匈牙利总理欧尔班主动询问中共是否需要其出面阻止。欧尔班在上海有大量资产,其女儿在疫情期间赴上海打理资产。
  7. 泽连斯基希望与习近平在匈牙利见面,习尚未答复。如果习不见面,特使李辉将与乌克兰驻华大使见面。
  8. 习要求军委加快落实向友好国家出口更新更好军事设备。第一批国家有委内瑞拉、哈萨克斯坦、古巴、乌兹别克斯坦、也门。 出口设备涉及枪炮、器械、炸弹、无人机、导弹,包括红旗导弹歼10-100,飞弩 FN6、FN16 便携式防空导弹、运3运输机、飞鸿901无人机等。
  9. 所罗门群岛现任总理梅纳西·索加瓦雷(Manasseh Sogavare)认为自己连选后会发生内乱,希望中共根据2022年签署的安全协议,出人出装备,帮其维稳。
  10. 瑙鲁在与中共谈警务合作安全协议,培训、装备等费用都由中共承担。
  11. 普京连任后首次出访定于5·15访华,将要求中共协助说服欧洲,推动俄罗斯主导的“欧亚大陆安全架构”,其核心是欧亚人主导欧亚问题。
  12. 中共欧亚事务特使李辉在北京大范围约见各国驻华大使,说服他们支持俄罗斯。
  13. 针对台湾赖清德5·20上任,习近平要求,调动各部门各层级力量,破坏台湾的国际经贸环境,并进行军事打压。对与台交好国要分类施策。要打压报复惩戒台湾邦交国。各领事馆要按照中共中央精神灵活处置。对美国要软硬兼施两手准备,用好美国有求于中国的心态,提前施以重手迫使美国履行对台承诺。对岛内各派要拉打结合,要让民进党支持者付出代价。以上已经在实施中。
  14. 中共一直在围绕台海战争做准备,向各有关部门布置了未来3~6个月的演练内容。目前已下达涉外动员的8个方面能力提升要求: 1)协同友好国家支持能力; 2)分化打击欧美的能力; 3)利用仇美国家袭击干扰美国的能力; 4)主持北朝鲜牵制美韩的能力; 5)影响国际舆论的能力; 6)侦察情报打击能力; 7)诱骗误导能力; 8)应对突发不可控的外部环境的能力。
  15. 非洲东部的索马里兰向中共示好,称只要中共支持其独立建国, 将与台湾断绝关系。
  16. 中共海军已通过加快在非洲和北印度洋推进提高实现可持续战斗力的规划,将需要6个月时间预演,旨在维持中共在相关地区的军事存在和持续战斗力。
  17. 中共正在推动核技术在非洲落地。
  18. 习近平批示交通部组建大型特殊运输团队,已经针对该团队的规模、归属、如何避免美国制裁等在各城市做调研,旨在为应对中共国本土、台海地区、或海外其他地区发生大规模战争行动做准备。


Breaking: New exclusive information released by the NFSC on April 27th (1 of 18)

  1. The CCP is accelerating the construction of a society-wide civil-military integrated emergency response management system, the draft of which has been issued for comment and will be implemented nationwide after its adoption.
  2. Xi wants to use the CCP's influence in the Middle East to take advantage of the U.S.'s desire to coordinate with the CCP. He also wants to recieve the U.S., Japan and the Philippines' concessions on the issue of the South China Sea.
  3. A Sino-Arab State Summit will soon be held in Beijing, attended by some heads of state from Middle Eastern countries.
  4. Xi Jinping is visiting France, Serbia and Hungary from May 6-11, and the Communist Party of China (CPC) is internally designing ways to amplify the results and significance of Xi's trip to Europe. Xi and Macron will issue a joint statement on the Russia-Ukraine war.
  5. The recent setback for Iran in the Middle East conflict has shaken the Middle East countries' confidence in the security of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s "Look East" proposal, affecting the Middle East's reliance on the CCP.
  6. The European Union is preparing to impose sanctions on a dozen Chinese and Hong Kong companies, and Hungary has asked the CCP if it needs assistance in the EU to stop the sanctions. Offering to mediate, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has substantial assets in the Shanghai, which his daughter managed while she is in Shanghai during the epidemic.
  7. Ukrainian President Zelensky has offered to meet with Xi during his visit to Hungary, which has not yet been confirmed by Xi. If not, the CCP envoy plans to meet with the Ukrainian ambassador to China in Beijing.
  8. Xi Jinping instructed the Military Commission to speed up the implementation of the export of military equipment, including guns, instruments, bombs, drones, and missiles, to countries friendly to the Chinese Communist Party. The first exports involved countries such as Venezuela, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. Specific weapons include the Red Flag series Sword 10-100, Flying Crossbow FN-6, FN-16 portable air defense missiles, Transport 3, and Feihong 901 drones.
  9. The current Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands, Manasseh Sogavare, has given the CCP an indication that he can be re-elected, but there will be civil unrest in the country. Australia and New Zealand will not intervene, hoping to help stabilize the country after the CCP steps in under a security agreement signed between the two sides in 2022.
  10. Nauru is negotiating a security agreement with the Chinese Communist Party for police cooperation. The Chinese Communist Party will bear the costs of funding, training, and equipment.
  11. Putin's first trip to China after his reelection is scheduled for May 15, and he will ask the CCP to help promote the Russian-led Eurasian Continental Security Architecture, which centers on the idea of "Eurasians taking charge of Eurasian issues," and for the CCP to lobby its European allies to support the Russian architecture.
  12. Putin's first trip to China after his reelection is scheduled for May 15, and he will ask the CCP to help promote the Russian-led Eurasian Continental Security Architecture, which centers on the idea of "Eurasians taking charge of Eurasian issues," and for the CCP to lobby its European allies to support the Russian architecture. Li Hui, the Chinese Communist Party's Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs, has made extensive appointments with ambassadors in Beijing to convince them to support Russia. So far, we have learned that the BRICS countries, SCO member countries, some African countries, and a few Eurasian countries have expressed their support.
  13. In response to Taiwan's Lai Ching-Te taking office in 520, Xi Jinping has called for mobilizing forces from all sectors and at all levels to suppress and undermine Taiwan's international environment, economy, trade, science, technology, and military. Countries that are friendly with Taiwan should be categorized, suppressed, retaliated against, and punished. The consulates should flexibly follow the intent of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.
  14. The CCP has been preparing for "peace and war in the Taiwan Strait" and has set out the contents of exercises for the next three to six months to all relevant departments.
    1️⃣Synergizing the supportive capacity of friendly countries
    2️⃣The ability to divide and conquer Europe and America
    3️⃣Use of America-hate attacks to interfere with U.S. capabilities
    4️⃣Leveraging North Korea's ability to hold back the U.S., Japan and South Korea
    5️⃣Ability to influence international public opinion
    6️⃣Reconnaissance Intelligence Strike Capability
    7️⃣ Ability to entice and mislead
    8️⃣Ability to cope with unexpected and uncontrollable external environment
  15. Somaliland in eastern Africa has made overtures to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), saying it will sever ties with Taiwan as long as the CCP supports its independent statehood.
  16. The Chinese Communist Navy's plan to accelerate its advance in Africa and the northern Indian Ocean to improve its ability to achieve sustainable combat power has been formally adopted after a six-month preview of the plan.
  17. The Chinese Communist Party of China (CCP) is pushing for nuclear technology in Africa.
  18. Xi Jinping instructed the Ministry of Transportation to set up a large fleet of special transport ships for special operations in wartime. Coordinated research is now underway on multi-layered issues such as size, ownership, and how to avoid sanctions.
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While visiting Serbia, Xi once again brought up the incident of the US bombing of the Chinese Embassy. 

However, Mr. Miles Guo had already revealed the truth behind the bombing more than two years ago. The Chinese Embassy was actually a third-party monitoring point ...


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May 14th, the New Federal State of China brought another exclusive intelligence on Solomon Islands, because of the election of pro-CCP former diplomat Jeremiah Manele as the new prime minister of Solomon Islands, Solomon Islands will continue its pro-CCP policies. The opposition parties in Solomon Islands have decided to retaliate against the Chinese living in Solomon Islands with violent activities.


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