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Guo Wengui's Crucial Warning: The Untold Story Behind the U.S. Travel Ban| 郭文贵的重要警告:美国旅行禁令背后不为人知的故事

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Without (Miles Guo )Guo Wengui's warning to the United States, the country would not have implemented the travel ban in time to respond to the coronavirus! The consequences for the U.S. today would be unimaginable!

Navarro acknowledges in his book "In Trump Time" on page 23 that it was Guo Wengui's intelligence that led the U.S. government to consider and issue the travel ban!







In Peter Navarro's book "In Trump Time," Miles Guo is mentioned in relation to the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak. According to Navarro, Miles Guo communicated with Steve Bannon and others, warning that the situation in China was much more severe than the public statements by Chinese authorities indicated at the time. Guo suggested that the virus had already reached the U.S. much earlier than it was officially recognized, partly due to initial inaction. This information influenced some of the U.S. response to the pandemic.

在彼得·纳瓦罗 (Peter Navarro) 的《特朗普时代》一书中的文字中,文贵先生在谈到 COVID-19 爆发的早期阶段时被提及。据纳瓦罗透露,郭文贵正在与史蒂夫·班农和其他同事就中国的情况进行沟通。据报道,郭先生在中国境内有联系人,他警告说,疫情比中国当局当时公开承认的要严重得多。他表示,该病毒已经在美国出现的时间比官方承认的要早得多,部分原因是最初的不作为。这一信息被认为很重要,因为它构成了美国应对新冠疫情的一部分。


In Trump Time: Inside America's Plague Year" is a book written by Peter Navarro, who served as the Assistant to the President and Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy during the Trump administration. The book provides an insider's account of the Trump administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Navarro offers his perspective on the actions and decisions made during that critical period, as well as his interactions with key figures in the administration and other stakeholders.

The title "In Trump Time" refers to the urgency with which the administration claimed to address various crises, including the pandemic. Navarro, known for his hardline stance on trade with China and his support for aggressive economic policies, uses the book to present what he views as a defense of the administration's handling of the pandemic, while also criticizing other public health officials and entities whom he believes hindered the response.

The book is positioned as a firsthand narrative that counters mainstream media portrayals of the administration's pandemic response, providing a unique viewpoint from within the White House's inner workings during a global crisis. Navarro's account is intended to shed light on the complexities and challenges faced by the government during a time of unprecedented public health and economic turmoil.




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Before Mr. Peter Navarro went to jail: They can put me in jail, they can put you in jail. Denied his rights before a jury trial. I'm scared for this country because what they're doing should chill every American's heart! Wishing Mr. Navarro a safe.

Steve Bannon’s Conviction Upheld by Appeals Court

Steve Bannon’s conviction for contempt of Congress was upheld by a federal appeals court on Friday. Bannon was found guilty of failing to comply with a subpoena from the House January 6 Committee and sentenced to four months in federal prison.


President Trump make statement after court today, “ultimately we have to fight for the constitution”


Miles Guo’s live broadcast on Jul.27,2022: Miles Guo has warned that Trump, Steve Bannon, and Peter Navarro will all be criminally convicted in 2021. 2021年,郭先生就警告说,川普、史蒂芬·班农、皮特·纳瓦罗都将被刑事入罪 07/27/2022


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5/10/2024 [Ava on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776] Ava: We are confident that through Mr. Miles Guo’s trial on May 22, we will shed light on the American traitors and help rebuild America as the beacon of freedom. Grant Stinchfield: The way to take down the CCP is to decouple from it . 

5/10/2024【莘7女孩做客格兰特·斯廷奇菲尔德节目】莘7女孩(艾娃): 我们相信通过郭文贵先生5月22日的庭审,我们将揭示卖美贼、帮助美国重建自由的灯塔;格兰特·斯廷奇菲尔德:消灭中共的方法就是与其脱钩

On March 15, 2023, miles guo was arrested.
The trial will be held on May 22, 2024.

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